David Sharples is a dynamic sales and marketing executive with 25 years experience in marketing services, technology, enterprise software, hardware, consulting, and online brand management. He has launched numerous products/services into new markets and established immediate presence in new uncharted spaces.
Sales is complex - we can help
SALES TEAM CANADA helps SMB companies increase their sales revenues by:
- Acquiring new customers via strategic partnerships in un-touched verticals or foreign markets
- Create proactive sales team infrastructure and methodologies to maximize pipeline management
- Qualify leads into prospective customers
- Create multi-level sales pipeline dashboards thru CRM design & implementation
- Launch, maximize, and promote products in the Amazon ecosystem
Find a clear vision of your company's future
SALES TEAM CANADA helps SMB companies increase their sales revenues by:
- Acquiring new customers via strategic partnerships in un-touched verticals or foreign markets
- Create proactive sales team infrastructure and methodologies to maximize pipeline management
- Qualify leads into prospective customers
- Create multi-level sales pipeline dashboards thru CRM design & implementation
- Launch, maximize, and promote products in the Amazon ecosystem